Sunday, August 26, 2012

Come Closer By Sara Gran

Come Closer tells the story of a woman who battles with demon possession. For being a book that deals with the dark theme of demon possession, it surpringly doesnt attack Christianity or religion at all. The story starts out as a ghost story. The main character hears tappings on the walls of her home and from their, the activity escalates. What makes "Come Closer" a truely scary story is the way that the demon takes over the main character. Its a very slow moving process that, at times, makes you want to just stop reading all together but if you stick with the book till the end, you will enjoy it. Now you would think that since this is a story about demon possession, it would have tons of vulgar language and super disturbing scenes but, surpringly, it doesnt. In fact, the activity that does happen, you would think that the main character is losing her sanity rather then being demon possessed. Maybe thats what really did happen? Maybe its left up to the reader to decide since its not explict evil coming from the demon? Who really knows! Anyhow, i did enjoy this novel and i would rate it a 6 out of 10. If you have patience and like slow building horror, i would recomend Come Closer. If you are the type of person who likes the more intense and evil things from horror novels, try The Shining by Stephen King or Adam by Ted Dekker. Both of those books were awsome and both freaked me out.